I HAVE INTERNET AGAIN! It's been a crazy couple of weeks. Felt disconnected from the universe but also liberated. Life's been really crazy, busy, stressful. It's been lots of fun too but it's mostly work week=overwhelming and weekend=ridiculous fun. I've had no time to catch up. NEED SLEEP.
Here's some Nov/Dec scenes.

&is soo delish. Also a pic of me & the 2 eldest gals on my dad's side, Diana &Jessica.

went to a holiday party at a spa my mom&sis go to...we all got free massages, Lisa got a facial &I
got a fancy-shmancy treatment I will not blog about ;) Also, Lise, her bff & I celebrating her bday.

went to a rockin' christmas party w/my gals w/some special peeps...
FINALLY saw Edward Sharpe & the magnetic zeros...sooooo good live.
also saw Florence & The Black Keys (@kroq almost acoustic christmas) thanks to my sis :)

got to hang backstage, met Jim Halpert my dream bf & got a pic with the Black Keys guys (!!!)
Last note, stopped by the mall with Dad & Lisa and Old Navy's got some deals going on! Got some long sleeved tops since my wardrobe is seriously lacking in anything warm. (most of it is still in the NJ apt) these tops were cute and only $8 instore! They don't have the cute colors or special online. Although, I am glad I looked because my sister and I both want this techno hoodie and it's only $15 online! The hoodie cord is IPOD HEADPHONES! Love it, although, of course, the color I want is not online. Oh life!


just tried on the tops.I'm returning the white/pink
one & getting a fleece sweater they had for $10!
I can't believe it. A week til Christmas & two weeks til this crazy year is over. It's been a huge year. I am still reeling from everything that's happened, good and bad. The last few weeks have been rough for me because I'm so tired but I do appreciate that that's a good thing.
Mini panic, I can't figure out what to do for New Years. I really want to go to Arizona to see RX Bandits, but I know I won't be able to talk my girlfriends into it. Is it worth it??? Maybe!