What's up?? Just popping in to say hi. Much to say, lots going on but trying to stay busy and doing lots of work. Most of the last few weeks has been spent going to boot camp, eating well and being well. Lots of times with the girls, many many shows, good things. I tried the Michael Jackson wii game and holy cow it's a fun little work out. Had a really fun Super Bowl Sunday, all my girls showed up for the KROQ party. Hung out with my sis and saw her boys the Dirty Heads. I picked the winning team!

the gals playing MJ --- me & my sis outside the Key Club with some of the guys

Sunday morn hike with mom :)

wanna know the best way to get in shape? Go on vacay with a bunch of friends. Everytime I call one of my gals,
they're at the gym. Pretty easy to stay motivated when it's really a group effort! LOVE IT! We set sail March 3 :)