Monday, October 17, 2011

Wedding week!

Well, it's finally (!!) wedding week over at Zucchero Zucchero so I am going to share a couple of my pictures from the wedding of the year (move over Kimmy K!) It was truly the best wedding, the best party, the best crowd, (the best music!) I've ever been lucky to be a part of. I know my Hol worked really hard to put everything together and it was absolutely beautiful. Plus, her and her man have an amazing love between them. I was happy to be there to witness it :) 

The beautiful bride & I

Mr & Mrs! (and her signature drink)

Jon dancing with his mom, Holly with her dad

my hs gal pal Diana, who was the perfect +1

The toss.....

...I caught it!!!! :)

these kids are so in love :) :) SO happy for you two xoxox

I don't want to post too many to take away from Holly's week of posts...these were only a few faves :) head on over to zuc zuc for all the beautiful snaps!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fall '11 LUST LIST

I suck at blogging, yes, but who reads this anyway? 

My birthday is in a MONTH! WOW I'm getting old. I can't believe it. Time flies. So I'm digging up cool stuff and here's a few of my favorite things I just got, am being inspired by and buying... eeeks!

new moccasins from Target (!!!) I love them so much.

Just saw this cardigan in Cosmo.
 I have one like it, but it looks so COZY!

Snapped this at Buffalo Exchange in Long Beach.
Earring design? YES

Short lived awesome ring I picked up for $4 on clearance
 @ Urban Outfitters but lost :( I suck with jewelry!

UO arrow ring // 
I'm obsessed with anything Navajo/Mayan inspired and it warms my
heart to tell you that my boss is working on Aztec designs :)

This pistol is one of our casting parts at work,
I'm totally getting matching necklaces for my girls
(Black Keys 10 cent pistol anyone? ;)

I am also a sucker for novelty pieces. C'mon, how fun are these!
(also @ Urban) 

And who can resist a cute stache?? LOVE IT

...and I can't stop listening to Getting Paid by Zech's Marquise. They are ridiculously talented boys (3 younger brothers of Mars Volta's Omar Rodriguez Lopez) and this CD doesn't leave my car. Check them out please :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wish me luck...

Things are looking good.....xo

Thursday, July 21, 2011


so i wanted to redefine the blog again but found myself completely uninspired. it's been a hard couple of weeks! works been really a mix of highs and lows but i need to snap out of it and find what i love about being creative again. so i'm staring at bright colors, wearing lots of dresses, gonna do my nails pretty (i didn't even ever LIKE sparkles!) and getting ready to say goodbye to my favorite band ever, rx bandits. bitter bittersweet but it's going to be beautiful. i'll try to keep up with the blog, promise. here's my inspiration for the week :)

laura's nails via theweddingis925milesaway

rxb's matthew embree via firethecanon

color inspiration via color-collective

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Where would we be.....

...without those wild nights?

Just wanted to give a little birthday shout out to my friend Marcello who edited this video for 311. Their 10th studio album UNIVERSAL PULSE was released yesterday, now on 311 records.
Good for them and good for M! Excited for the summer shows.

Can't wait to see all my friends.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Must read!

Today Scott Weiland, my guilty pleasure original total bad boy rockstar crush, released his memoir. I ran over to Book Soup during my lunch hour to pick up copies for my best friend and myself, so that we'd have tickets for his book signing next week! I could not be more excited :) I am also going to do some magic and get my ass into the Viper Room where he is playing after his signing. It's been so long since I've seen him or his band, one of my favorites in existence. I think I try not to like them as much as I do because of his troubles. I don't want to be too deep into it and lose it. Music means so much to me and that's a devastating blow. (I'm already starting to feel what it's going to feel like when I lose RX Bandits...)

Anyway, you should totally pick up his book if you have any interest in music, rock history, understanding addiction, and turbulent love. I already flipped from cover to cover and skimmed a lot of it. I may wait to read it to get the audiobook because Scott reads it himself (LOVE IT!) but he writes so open and honestly about his disease, his marriages and relationship with Stone Temple Pilots. And after googling for pics, I realized his ex-wife Mary wrote her own book! OK that one, I am dying to read.

(a beautiful song he wrote for Mary....where can I get this kind of love?) xo

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Current Events

OK, I laughed!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Summer Skin

Goings on: It's been reaaaaally hot in Los Angeles this last week. Would have been cool, because work was slow and I had a couple days off but I've been SO SICK :( well I did spent a little time outside and I got some new flip flops! 

I lusted over a very expensive pair of sandals like this yeaaaars ago. So I saw them and kind of had to have them. Less than $10 and super comfy! Funky tan lines are coming, sure, but they didn't color my feets brown after a little pool time :) I should pick up a back up pair...

Kind of having a quarter life crisis. Trying to figure out me, life, relationships, etc. I wish people would be more open and honest. I think life is short and there's no time to love everything around you. I am having a lot of positive new people in my life, and that makes me happy. 

And today RX Bandits released their (final!) summer tour dates. Bummer but excited to travel and enjoy with friends. Also excited to see Death Cab for Cutie, here and in SF :) I'll be up north quite a few times this summer for shows and a certain ladies shower and wedding (!!!!) I couldn't be more excited for the summer. 

Why am I up? Can you believe they called me up for jury duty tomorrow? BOOO! 


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Blog love

Digging this tumblr.... especially since all of my cousins are on facebook and have been uploading old pictures from when we were kids. I love having such a huge family and I love that my dad was so cool when we were young :) my dad was a total hipster who dressed cool and had all kinds of awesome jobs growing up. I am very lucky to have such a cool guy in my life.

-- top to bottom -- 
my dad when he used to work as a cameraman sometime in the late 70s, early 80s / 
most of my mom's side of the fam including some pretty cool/hipster pops including my grandpa :) /
 a snap of my cousins and I celebrating a birthday, look at my dress! these pix are priceless to me

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sun sun sun

I'm so glad it's going to be hot all weekend. I need to go to the beach, lay by a pool, have an icy drink, and play some music really loud. (Oh, I also have loads of new jewelry to photograph!) HAPPY WEEKEND :) 

What songs remind you of summer and sun?

Friday, April 8, 2011


The company I work for made the jewelry that Jen Garner wears in Arthur! Love her and Russel Brand, I am super excited to see it. Now if only there was a cute boy to see it with! ;)

(changing up the blog name/url... seeing as I've been settled on one coast for almost a year now!)

Thursday, March 31, 2011


This year is special. 2011! Wowza. Sounds like the future right? :) well, in my nerdy music world, it's a special date... it's been a special date for 31 days. The first day, I got on a plane with my best friend and we flew east... we landed in Florida and had breakfast right after sunrise in South Beach. went back to the hotel, met up with Sandra and her cousins, and began the trip, the month of a lifetime. 3-3-11 we set sail from Miami to Turks and Caicos on a 311 cruise. I'm still recovering. It was so amazing, so special, so perfect. I cant describe. I want to try and this is why I gave myself so much time, but I can't explain it. I'm going to have to show you. It was amazing to be surrounded by so many friends, to have so much free time in such close proximity with my girls, my friends. Everyone was so relaxed and happy, it was a complete blissful state. I laughed all day all night until my belly hurt. I fell so much more in love with all my friends. (and at the same time, my heart hurt missing my little sister so much!! this summer we'll make up for it.  I love you, Lisa!)

I give up trying to be friends with blogspot, i know the alignment is all fucked up. I can't fight with it anymore! click on any picture you want to see bigger :) Made them small so they'd load more friendly....


 my good friend nick and his glass :) my friend Melissa and I sneaking into show #2

dance party with doug benson :) buying cuban cigars at lunch in south beach..ha!

nick jumping a cab as we were all leaving :( :( so funny

laaadies ready for a crazy night out on the town

California girls, born and raised! :)

underwater camera testing in Grand Turk!

(DJ SOULMAN! Look him up, he was the best)

311 Q&A...hands down one of the highlights. they love their fans

i love this picture. we got drunk at lunch and jumped in the ocean :)))

and check out the various vids to see the crazy energy... you may spot me a few times!
link one
linke two

perhaps i'll form more words later :)  Wanted to get this up before 3/11 was over!