My birthday is in a MONTH! WOW I'm getting old. I can't believe it. Time flies. So I'm digging up cool stuff and here's a few of my favorite things I just got, am being inspired by and buying... eeeks!

new moccasins from Target (!!!) I love them so much.

Just saw this cardigan in Cosmo.
I have one like it, but it looks so COZY!

Snapped this at Buffalo Exchange in Long Beach.
Earring design? YES

Short lived awesome ring I picked up for $4 on clearance
@ Urban Outfitters but lost :( I suck with jewelry!

UO arrow ring //
I'm obsessed with anything Navajo/Mayan inspired and it warms my
heart to tell you that my boss is working on Aztec designs :)

This pistol is one of our casting parts at work,
I'm totally getting matching necklaces for my girls
(Black Keys 10 cent pistol anyone? ;)
I am also a sucker for novelty pieces. C'mon, how fun are these!
(also @ Urban)

And who can resist a cute stache?? LOVE IT

...and I can't stop listening to Getting Paid by Zech's Marquise. They are ridiculously talented boys (3 younger brothers of Mars Volta's Omar Rodriguez Lopez) and this CD doesn't leave my car. Check them out please :)
post more! i love your blog.
Love your shoes, are amazing! :D
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